Academic Discounts Right on Campus

Academic Discounts Right on Campus
Type Racing Competition
Unleash your typing prowess & type your way to the top! Join this electrifying competition of skill and speed for a chance to WIN a $100 in-store credit & other great prizes!
October 15, 2024 – November 14, 2024
1st Place: $100 In-Store Credit
2nd Place: $50 In-Store Credit
3rd Place: $25 In-Store Credit
Fill out the form to register.

Our convenient on-campus location offers students, faculty & staff academic discounts from Apple, Dell, Lenovo, software, accessories, computer repair, trade-in and warranty services for most computer brands.
210-458-7866 or email

Our convenient on-campus location offers students, faculty & staff academic discounts from Apple, Dell, Lenovo, software, accessories, computer repair, trade-in and warranty services for most computer brands.
210-458-7866 or email

Click below for Google map
University Center 1.00.46
Hours: Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm