JourneyEd.com has officially announced the availability of the company’s new website designed for schools. The redesigned B2B focused website provides a significant number of enhancements to ensure schools are able
to easily find what they need regarding solutions for educational software, technology and services from
“The newly updated school services website for has been a longtime goal for us,” stated Greg Lamkin, CEO of JourneyEd.com. “We have always wanted a way to showcase who we are from a B2B standpoint in a way that demonstrates our strengths and uniqueness in the marketplace.”
The new site features a clean, responsive design showcasing JourneyEd.com’s corporate information, including company leadership, press releases, customer testimonials, thought leadership content, and the many events the
organization attends nationwide. The various technology brands the company partners with are also highlighted. One of the most interesting aspects of the newly redesigned site is the implementation of five clearly delineated
segments for JourneyEd.com’s proprietary school offerings. These include Network Services, Volume Licensing, Enterprise Wi-Fi, IT Lifecycle Management, and eCommerce Sites. This ensures an easy-to-understand conversation with existing and prospective customers when discussing vital solutions to their needs.
“From licensing, to IT network services, to ecommerce sites, to on-campus technology stores and marketing services, there are very few areas of infrastructure technology that we can’t help most schools with. That has always been our goal and it is now a reality,” added Lamkin.
JourneyEd.com isn’t content to rest on its laurels. There are already plans to implement additional features on the new site, including news feeds, accessible whitepapers, case studies, live webinars and live chat capabilities.